
bilingual blog dà-chànanach

Browsing Posts in Seaboard News Gaelic archive

Bliadhna Mhath Ùr, everyone! (Better late than never…) This month I’ve compiled lists of words collected so far which are connected to food and drink, and to the body and ailments. (No cause and effect relation intended!) Any more on these topics gratefully received, along with anything else domestic – the home, house, garden, clothing […]

This month I’ve picked out a batch of Seaboard words connected to the shore, boats and fishing. (Thanks as usual to all the many contributors!) The vast majority are from Gaelic, as usual, even though local pronunciation often varies from that given in dictionaries. I haven’t been able to track down the roots of one […]

Gaelic phrases in Seaboard English I’ve been looking at the Seaboard use of individual Gaelic words when speaking English in different contexts up to now – fishing, describing people, and there are plenty more of these to come. But there are also a lot of complete Gaelic phrases and expressions that have been used within […]

A’ bruidhinn mu dhaoine / Talking about people I’ve amassed a huge number of words describing people, or used to address people. Many of them came up again and again, from sources old and young, including ones I collected over the years from those no longer with us. That shows that the words and expressions […]

Seaboard fish First of all, a huge thank you to everyone who has given me their Seaboard words and phrases since my appeal last month. The response has been amazing, especially at the Fisherfolk Festival dinner, and while I was on duty in the Fishing Store.  There are far too many names to mention everyone, […]

Fàilte chridheil oirbh uile!  A very warm welcome to you all!

Fritilean Ceann-nathrach / Snake’s head fritillary Bha e riamh na iongnadh dhomh mar a chruthaicheas nàdar lus ball-breacte mar chlàr-tàileisg – chan eil mi eòlach air fear sam bith ach an fhritilean cheann-nathrach. Chunnaic mi a’ chiad uair e ann an dath-uisge le Charles Rennie Mackinosh , agus is esan aon de na lusan […]

Uiseag bheag dhearg – Little red lark Seo òran-tàlaidh beag brèagha, a thàinig à Eilean Mhanainn bho thùs. Chaidh eadar-theangachadh bho Ghàidhlig Mhanainneach gu Gàidhlig na h-Alba o chionn mu cheud bliadhna, agus cha b’ fhada gus an do dh’fhàs e gu math measail air feadh nan dùthchannan Ceilteach. Anns an t-sèist chì thu “san […]

Teampaill Angkor Chambodia Bha mi cho fortanach ‘s gun robh cothrom agam saor-làithean a chur seachad ann an Àisia an Ear-dheas san Fhaoilleach. Tha mo bhràthair a’ fuireach ann an Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, agus ‘s ann an sin a bha mi pàirt den ùine, ach shiùbhail mi a Chambodia cuideachd, a dh’aona-ghnothach gus na teampaill […]

Aran Mhuileagan Seo reasabaidh Ameireaganach a fhuair mi bho charaid dhomh, Cam NicRàth. Tha am milsean blasta furasta seo air a bhith air bùird latha-fèille nan Crathach bho chionn còrr is leth-cheud bliadhna.  Sùghmhor ’s mar a tha e, dh’fhaodadh cèic a bhith air seach aran – tha e cho blasta le ìm no as […]