
bilingual blog dà-chànanach

Browsing Posts in Seaboard News Gaelic archive

This month we hear  about a chance to get your favourite Scottish quotation on the wall of the Scottish Parliament. Balla a’ Chanongate An robh sibh a-riamh ann an Dùn Èideann gus Pàrlamaid na h-Alba fhaicinn? Dh’fhaodadh gur toil leibh i, dh’fhaodadh nach toil (mar thogalach no mar stèicheachadh poileataigeach), ach tha aon rud cinnteach: […]

Dwelly air loidhne! O chionn ghoirid nochd làrach-lìn ùr air an robh iomadh Gàidheal agus neach-ionnsachaidh a’ feitheamh – am faclair Dwelly air loidhne. A bheil cuimhne agaibh air Dwelly, leabhar tiugh ud, nas coltaiche ri encyclopedia na ri faclair sìmplidh, a b’ àbhaist a bhith ann an dachaighean air feadh na Gàidhealtachd? Uill, tha […]

Given the long tradition of Gaelic language and culture on the Seaboard, Gaelic being the main language only a couple of generations ago, it seemed a pity not to include it in our magazine from time to time. There are certainly Gaelic speakers, whether fluent or learners, in the community or with an interest in […]