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Bha Mìchael Bauer, aka Akerbeltz – deasaiche Dwelly air-loidhne agus Am Faclair Beag air loidhne, am fear a thug Firefox sa Ghàidhlig, dearbhadair litreachaidh Gàidhlig agus làraichean-lìn eile feumail, agus fiù ‘s geamannan eadar-lìn Gàidhlig dhuinn, a h-uile rud saor an-asgaidh – gu math trang am bliadhna. Am Faclair Beag: Dwelly air loidhne: Akerbeltz (gràmar amsaa): Bathar-bog: […]

Lèirmheas glè mhath air a’ chuirm-chiùil “Fèis Rois aig 25” ann an Inbhir Nis Là na Sàbaid sa chaidh / great review of  last Sunday’s “Fèis Rois is 25” concert: Fèis Rois aig 25: Freumhan is Gasan   / Roots and Shoots Dealbhan brèagha an seo / nice set of pictures:–gallery-2011.html Gailearaidh: Fèis Rois is 25 – […]

Obair sgoinneil le Pòl Caomhánach  / Brilliant piece of work by Paul Kavanagh ….bha dhìth orm ach clàr-dùthcha Gàidhlig de loidhnichean-rèile na h-Alba air fad, a’ sealltainn a h-uile stèisean san dùthaich. Dh’ionnsaich mi le iongantas nach eil a leithid a’ mhapa ri fhaighinn sa Bheurla fhèin, gun luaidh air a’ Ghàidhlig no a’ […]

RBS CommunityForce is a new initiative which sees us working with local communities to support the people, projects and charities making a real difference where you live. Voting begins 26 September! Our project: Gathering stories factual and folklore, songs, photographs, news cuttings etc relating to the Seaboard. Second phase will be to produce a […]

Great interview with Niall Iain Macdonald here – on the challenge of a solo North Atlantic row,  the charity (Scottish Mental Health) and the hopes and fears: and visit his page on Facebook for videos, photos, comments on his current gruelling training rows across the Minch here: And of course his main site […]

Tachartasan Blas le Fèis Rois:   Dihaoine 9 Sultain (Friday September 9) Ullapool MacPhail Centre: The Outside Track . Fèis Rois   Didòmhnaich 11 Sultain (Sunday September 11) Strathpeffer Pavilion Fèis Rois is 25: Roots and Shoots | Fèis Rois aig 25: Freumhan is Gasan Patsy Seddon/Corrina Hewat/Fraya Thomsen/Eilidh Mackenzie/Rachel Walker/Kirsty-Anne Macfarlane/Louise Mackenzie/Gillian Stevenson/Lauren MacColl […]

 Tha an iris-chiùil shaor air loidhne InvernessGigs a’ lorg taic gus seirbheis nas fheàrr a lìbhrigeadh. Bidh iad a’ foillseachadh fiosrachadh mu thachartasan sa Ghàidhealtachd, gu h-àraidh mu chuirmean-ciùl de (cha mhòr) gach seòrsa. Thoiribh sùil air an làrach-lìn aca – ‘s fhiach e! ‘S urrainn dhuibh an cuideachadh tron shiostam Sponsume (“crowdfunding”).  Gheibh sibh sreath […]

Bidh Niall Iain Dòmhnallach a’ tòiseachadh an dùbhlan-iomraidh aige thairis air a’ Chuan Siar a Tuath ann an 2012 a-nis, oir bha cus duilgheadasan practaigeach ann ron thuras a bha air a phlanadh am bliadhna. Tha e ag obair air a bhàta ann an Steòrnabhagh a-nis agus Dihaoine chuir e dhan mhuir e airson a’ chiad thurais. Ciamar a chaidh a’ […]

Mealaibh ur naidheachd! Congratulations!  Message from Fèisean ambassador Julie Fowlis: We are delighted that with your superb support and help on Tuesday……..Fèis Rois; one of only six organisations in the STV North region to be shortlisted with a chance of winning up to £60,000 in the Jubilee People’s Millions (, WERE THE WINNERS……… The […]

Press release from Fiona Dalgetty: Fèis Rois is one of only six groups to have been shortlisted in the STV North region with a chance of winning up to £60,000 in the Jubilee People’s Millions ( The Big Lottery Fund and ITV have come together to mark the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee by creating a new […]