Seo òran beag simplidh do chloinn, air cuspair freagarrach dhan Seaboard! Tha e ag obrachadh san aon dòigh ‘s a chunnaic sinn leis an òran Uiseag Bheag Dhearg, a sgrìobh mi mu dheidhinn o chionn greis. Tha gille òg a’ cur cheistean air iasg beag agus an t-iasg a’ freagairt. Dh’fhaodadh seo a bhith na gheama, le còmhradh eadar pàrant is pàiste, no dithis chloinne, no ann an clas sgoile, le ceòl is cleas. Tha clàradh le facail agus fonn ri chluinntinn air làrach-lìn Urras Leabhraichean na h-Alba. An dòchas gun còrd e ribh!
Èisg bhig
Èisg bhig, èisg bhig,
nach tu tha math air snàmh!
Gu dearbha feumaidh mise sin
oir bidh mi snàmh gu bràth.
Èisg bhig, èisg bhig,
am fairich thusa fuachd?
Chan fhairich idir, ‘ille chòir,
ged tha mi measg nan stuadh.
Èisg bhig, èisg bhig,
a bheil thu idir sgìth?
O chan eil, chan eil, chan eil,
cha toigh leam bhith air tìr.
Èisg bhig, èisg bhig,
a leig thu idir d’ anail?
Is math a dh’fhaodas mise sin
a-staigh am measg an fheamainn.
Èisg bhig, èisg bhig,
dè dh’ith thu an-diugh?
Lugaichean is boiteagan,
is smodal anns an t-sruth.
Èisg bhig, èisg bhig,
càite bheil do dhachaigh?
Tha mo dhachaigh anns a’ chuan
mìle mach on chladach.
Here’s a simple wee song for children, on an appropriate subject for the Seaboard! It works in the same way as the song Uiseag Bheag Dearg / Little Red Lark, that I wrote about a while ago. A young lad is asking a wee fish questions, and the fish is answering. This could be done as a game, with a conversation between parent and child, or two children, or in a school class, with actions. There’s a recording with words and tune on the website of the Scottish Book Trust. Hope you enjoy it! (I’ve written the English translation so that the rhythms are the same as the Gaelic, so it can be sung to the same tune.)
Wee fish
Wee fish, wee fish, you’re awful good at swimming!
I certainly have to be – I have to swim forever!
Wee fish, wee fish, do you ever feel the cold?
I don’t at all, dear laddie, though I’m in among the waves.
Wee fish, wee fish, are you ever tired?
No, I’m never, never, I’ve no wish to be on land!
Wee fish, wee fish, do you ever take a breather?
I may well do that, when I’m in among the seaweed.
Wee fish, wee fish, what did you eat today?
Lugworms and grub-worms and morsels in the stream.
Wee fish, wee fish, what do you call home?
My home is in the ocean, a mile out from the shore.
Fonn / tune (taing do/thanks to The Scottish Book Trust):
(All pictures Wikimedia Creative Commons)