Taing do Ryno Morrison airson dealbha agus reasabaidh, agus Bliadha Mhath Ùr dhuibh uile nuair a thig i!
Flùr is uighean, spìos nan Innsean,
Measan, treàgail, ìm is siùcar,
Greis, gu sèimh ‘s a phoit a’ goil
‘S mu dheireadh thall, pìos math Duff!
1lb SR Flour, 2 tsp Baking Powder, 8oz Stork Marg
12oz Caster Sugar, 8oz Sultanas, 8oz Raisins
3 tsps Mixed Spice (or more)
3 tsps Cinnamon
3 tsps Ginger
½ tsp Salt
(Marg rubbed into flour and all mixed together)
2 tablespoons Treacle
2 Beaten Eggs
Stir treacle into eggs – easier to mix with flour etc
Milk up to 2 fl. oz. as required to obtain a soft dough consistency.
Big square of strong cotton-pillowcase type material (30inch x 30 inch)
Steep in hot water, spread on worktop and flour (this creates skin) add a sprinkling of caster sugar (keeps skin soft) place cloth over med bowl and drop mixture in centre (bowl helps form shape of duff). Gather in small pleats and tie of leaving room for expansion – about an inch above mixture The pleats give a bit of expansion in any case. Add to a pan of boiling water with shallow plate under duff. Water should be ¾ up duff mixture – never above. Simmer for 3 ½ hours topping up with boiling water as required.
When finished take out of pan and plunge in cold water for 15 seconds. Place I bowl and carefully remove cloth. Place a dinner plate above bowl and turn duff on to plate. Carefully remove cloth from upper part of Duff. Sprinkle with sugar and allow to cool.
Seo a nis Duff Ryno deiseil – sit back and ENJOY! Deagh bhliadhn-ùr an uair a thig i!