Mions Meadhan-Thìreach / Mediterranean Mince
Grìtheidean (airson 4)
500gr mions (mairtfheòil no uanfheòil)
2 chreamh-gàrraidh meadhanach, gun pairt uaine dorcha righinn
2 phiobar-cluig dearg
2 churran meadhanach
2 làn laimhe pònair Fhrangaich no ruith, no
pheasraichean mange-tout no sugar-snap
8 buntàta meadhanach ann an sliseagan (amh no deasaichte)
pacaid tomàtothan beaga cùbhraidh (cherry no baby plum)
2 mhuga sùgha-glasraich no sùgha-mairtfheòil / uanfheòil
leth-thuba uachdair no tuba beag iogairt Ghreugaich
leth-phacaid càise Feta Greugaich
piobar dubh garbh-bleithte (cha cleachd mise salann – tha salann gu leòr ann an sùghan malairteach)
lusan Meadhan-thìreach geàrrte
Ma bhios na buntàta amh, bruich nan sliseagan ann am pana iad fhad’s a bhios tu a deasachadh na grìtheidean eile.
Geàrr na creamhan-gàrraidh agus na pìobaran-cluig nan sliseagan agus bruich air an socair iad ann am beagan ola ann am pana mòr trom, air teas meadhanach. Geàrr na currain nam pìosan tana agus cuir anns a’ phana cuideachd iadsan, agus as dèidh sin na peasraichean mange-tout no pònairean. Caraich a h-uile rud bho àm gu àm gus nach bi an creamh-gàrraidh a’ fàs ro dhonn.
Cuir ris am mions, beag air bheag, agus praidhig a h-uile rud gus nach bi am mions dearg tuilleadh. Cur na lusan ris, agus piobar garbh-geàrrte gu leòr.
A-nis cuir an sùgh ann agus caraich gu math a-rithist e. Bu chòir dhan h-uile rud bruich gu sàmhach air teas meadhanach gun mhullach gus am bi a’ ghlasraich as chruaidhe al dente agus an sùgh air a lùghdachadh gu ìre mhath.
Anns an eadar-àm bidh na sliseagan buntàta deiseil. Tog bhon uisge iad agus cuir a’ mhòrchuid dhiubh gu faiceallach ris a’ mhions.
Cuir am mions ann an sreathan ann an soitheach quiche, le pìosan beaga càise feta eadar na sreathan, agus deasaich am mullach leis na sliseagan bùntata air fhàgail agus na tomàtothan na dà-leth (taobh geàrrte shuas). Dòirt an t-uachdar no an t-iogart air agus cuir fon ghrìosach gus am bi a h-uile rud bòidheach donn. Agus sin agad e!
Mediterranean Mince
Ingredients (for 4)
500gr mince (beef or lamb)
2 medium leeks, without tough dark green part
2 red peppers
2 medium carrots
2 handfuls French or runner beans, or mange-tout / sugar-snap peas
8 medium potatoes in slices (raw or cooked)
packet of small aromatic tomatoes (cherry or baby plum)
2 mugs of stock (veg, beef or lamb)
half-tub of cream or small tub Greek yoghurt
half-pack of Greek feta cheese
rough-ground black pepper (no salt; enough in the stock)
Mediterranean herbs, chopped
If the potatoes are raw, put them on to boil in slices while you prepare the rest of the recipe.
Cut the leeks and peppers in slices and cook them gently in a little oil in a large heavy frying-pan on medium heat. Cut the carrots into matchstick slices and add them, then the beans or mange-tout peas. Stir everything from time to time so that the leeks don’t get too brown.
Add the mince a bit at a time and fry it all until the mince is slightly browned. Add the herbs, and plenty of rough-ground black pepper.
Now add the stock and stir again. Everything has to simmer away on medium heat without a lid till the toughest vegetables are al dente and the stock has reduced quite a bit.
In the meantime the potatoes will be cooked. Drain them and add the bulk of them carefully to the mince.
Layer the mince mixture in a large quiche dish, with crumbled feta cheese between the layers. Decorate the top with the remaining potato slices and the tomatoes, cut in half, cut side up. Pour the cream or yoghurt over it all and place under a hot grill till everything is nicely browned. That’s all there is to it!