Gàrraidhean Caisteal Chaladair / Cawdor Castle Gardens
Tha mi cho fortanach ‘s gum bi mi a’ tadhail air Caisteal Chaladair iomadh uair gach seusan turasachd, leis gun toir mi tursan-bus ann bho na loidhnearan ann an Inbhir Ghòrdain. ‘S dòcha gun sgrìobh mi mun chaisteal fhèin ann an eagran eile, ach am mìos seo tha mi airson na gàrraidhean aige a mholadh; tha mi an dòchas gum bi na dealbhan cuideachd a’ bruidhinn air an son fhèin.
Tha gàrraidhean eadar-dhealaichte ann, agus gach aon na thlachd dhuinn. Am fear as fheàrr leam fhìn, ‘s e sin Gàrradh nam Flùraichean, am fear as fhaisge air a’ chaisteal, air a dhìon le seann bhalla àrd, le geadagan is ceumannan dathach de gach seòrsa, preasan is craobhan fo bhlàth, oiseanan brèagha air cùl challaidean a lorgas tu gun dùil, agus an-còmhnaidh an caisteal fhèin mar dhealbh-chùil. Tha e làn obrach-snaidhidh nuaidh drùidhtich cuideachd, freagarrach dhan t-suidheachadh aca. Nuair a thèid thu a-mach tro dhòras sa bhalla chì thu an Gàrradh Fiadhaich, coille le craobhan sequoia fuamhaireil ri taobh na h-aibhne ach cuideachd làn rhododendron is azalea, bhrogan na cuthaige is blàthan creamha, agus cheumannan lùbach togarrach, àlainn fhèin aig an àm seo.
Air taobh eile a’ chaisteil tha Gàrradh Cuairtichte eile ann, an turas seo le cuairtean mòr ceàrnagach is ìomhaigh a’ Mhinotaur sa teis-mheadhan. Timcheall air tha seòrsa tunail de laburnum òir-bhuidhe am measg dhìtheanan fiadhaich, dìreach drùidhteach. Air a chùlaibh tha an Gàrradh-Pàrrais beag, le callaidean ìosal is geadagan-luibhean, agus ìomhaigh snaidhte de dh’Àdhamh is Eubha a’ fàgail Èden. Agus an uair sin feumaidh tu an t-slighe a lorg a-steach dhan Ghàrradh Gheal chruinn, is e air a chuairteachadh le callaid àrd mhòr is làn fhlùraichean is phreasan geala – agus le fuaran simplidh ealanta sa mheadhan. Agus mu dhèireadh thall chì thu an t-Ubhal-ghort, cuideachd le ceapach mòr rùbraib – agus craobh mheatailt iongantach le grian no gealach mhòr anns na geugan.
Tha e ri fhaicinn gu bheil Ban-Iarla Chaladair, Lady Angelika, glè mheasail is eòlach air gàrraidhean, is i ag obair còmhla ri sgioba beag ghàirnealairean sgileil gus am bi dathan is caochladh anns gach ràith, agus tha an caisteal fhèin làn rèiteachaidhean-fhlùraichean às a’ ghàrradh.
Agus na gabh dragh – tha beingean gu leòr ann, agus cupa math tì a’ feitheamh ort sa chafaidh!
I’m lucky enough to get to visit Cawdor Castle quite often each season as I take bus-tours there from the liners at Invergordon. I might write about the castle itself in another edition, but this month I wanted to recommend its gardens; and I hope the photos will also speak for themselves.
There are various gardens there, each one a delight. My favourite is the Flower Garden, the one nearest the castle, protected by a high old wall, with colourful flowerbeds and paths of all kinds, shrubs and trees in blossom, lovely corners you come upon unexpectedly behind hedges, and always the castle as backdrop. It’s also full of impressive, tasteful modern sculptures, appropriate to their surroundings. When you go through a door in the wall you see the Wild Garden, a woodland with giant sequoias by the river, and full of rhododendrons and azaleas, bluebells and wild garlic flowers, and inviting winding paths, just beautiful at this time of year.
On the other side of the castle there’s another Walled Garden, this time with a square maze, and a statue of the Minotaur in the centre. All around it there’s a kind of tunnel of golden laburnum among beds of wild flowers, just stunning. Behind it is the little Paradise Garden with low hedges and herb beds, and a small statue of Adam and Eve leaving Eden. Then you have to look for the way into the round White Garden, as it’s surrounded by huge high hedges, and is full of white flowers and shrubs – and has a simple but elegant fountain in the middle. And finally you’ll see the Orchard, which also has a large rhubarb bed, and an amazing metal tree with a big sun or moon in its branches.
It’s very evident that the Countess of Cawdor, Lady Angelika, is fond of gardens and very knowledgeable. She works with a small team of skilful gardeners so there’s colour and variety in every season, and the castle itself is also full of flower arrangements from the gardens.
But don’t worry – there are plenty of benches, and a nice cup of tea waiting for you in the cafe!
Further information: https://www.cawdorcastle.com/