Turraisg gheal na Nollaig / White Christmas pudding
Taing do Janet, caraid dhomh ann an Liverpool, airson an reasabaidh seo. Rinn i an turraisg shònraichte seo do bhuidheann chàirdean gach Nollaig fad bhliadhnaichean, agus am bliadhna fheuch mi fhìn oirre – agus bha i blasda fhèin! Tha i math mar roghainn eile ma bhios tu sgìth den turraisg na Nollaig àbhaisteach, agus tha i fada nas fhasa ri dèanamh. Ach tha i ceart cho sàthach!
Grìtheidean (do mu shianar)
150 gr spuinnse thioram (leithid trifle no cèis flan), air a briseadh ann am pìosan glè bheag
1 no 1 ½ tiona orainsearean mandarin, gun sùgh!
75 gr measan tioram measgaichte
100 gr siristean glace
50 gr cnòthan-almoin bleithte
50 gr siùcar-fùdair
50 gr ìm, air a bhogachadh
1 spàin-bhuird sherry

Buail an t-ìm agus an siùcar gus am bi iad nan uachdar agus paisg na cnòthan-almoin a-steach dhan mheasgachadh. Cuir an sherry ris.
Measg a-steach, beag air bheag, na pìosan spuinnse, na measan tioram agus na siristean.
An uair sin cuir an darna leth de na h-orainsearan mandarin (air an deagh thraoghadh!) ris, agus measgaich gu math a-rithist. Thèid na pìosan a bhriseadh – tha sin ceart gu leòr, bheir iad taiseachd dhan mheasgachadh.
Aig an deireadh cuir an leth eile de na mandarins ris, gu cùramach, gus nach bris iad seo.
– Ma bhios am measgachadh ro thioram, cuir barrachd mandarins ris; agus ma bhios e ro fhliuch, barrachd spuinnse. Feuch blasad agus cuir barrachd siùcair no measan ris ma thogras tu, a-rèir do bhlais fhèin.
Cuir ann am bobhla-milseig e agus brùth am measgachadh sìos. Cuir film-còmhdachaidh air an uachdar agus fàg tron oidhche anns an fhrids e.
Mus cleachd thu an turraisg, tionndaidh a-mach air truinnsear i, agus sgeadaich i le “sneachd” siùcair-fhùdair agus measan no dearcan air a’ mhullach, no cuileann, agus ith le uachdar no reòiteag i. No ma bhios tu ag iarraidh turraisg fìor gheal, faodaidh tu a còmhdachadh le uachdar dùbailte no uachdar air a bhualadh.
Nollaig chridheil dhuibh uile!

White Christmas pudding
Thanks to Janet, a friend of mine in Liverpool, for this recipe. She made this special pudding for a group of friends every Christmas for many years, and this year I gave it a try myself – and it was delicious! It’s a good alternative if you’re tired of the regular Christmas pudding, and is much easier to make. But it’s just as filling!
Ingredients (for approx.. 6)
150 gr dry sponge-cake (e.g. trifle sponges, flan case), broken into very small pieces
1 or 1 ½ tins mandarin oranges, without the juice!
75 gr mixed dried fruit
100 gr glace cherries
50 gr ground almonds
50 gr icing sugar
50 gr butter, softened
1 tablespoon sherry

Cream the butter and icing sugar and fold in the ground almonds. Add the sherry.
Gradually work in the sponge pieces, the dried fruit and the cherries.
Now add half the mandarin oranges (well-drained!), and stir well in. The pieces of mandarin will break up – that’s OK, as they give moisture to the mixture.
At the end add the rest of the mandarins carefully, so these don’t break up.
– If the mixture is too dry, add a few more mandarins. If it’s too wet, add more sponge. Taste it and add more sugar or fruit if wished, to your own taste.
Put into a pudding-basin and press the mixture firmly down. Cover the surface with cling-film and leave in the fridge overnight.
Before serving, turn out onto a plate and decorate with icing-sugar “snow”, and fruit or berries on the top, or some holly, and eat it with cream or ice-cream. Or if you want a completely white pudding, cover it all over it in double cream or whipped cream.
Merry Christmas!