Ann Am Baile Rìoghail Dhaibhaidh / Once in Royal David’s City
Ann am baile rìoghail Dhaibhaidh,
Ann am bàthaich ìosail thruaigh,
Chàirich màthair chaomh a leanabh
Anns a’ phrasaich, ‘s E na shuain;
Moire ainm na màthar chaoimh,
Iosa Crìosd’ a leanabh gaoil.
Thuirling E bho Nèamh gu talamh,
Ged bu Dhia nan uile E;
B’ e an stàball thug Dhà fasgadh,
B’ i a chreathall prasach bhreun;
Leis a bhochd is leis an truaghan
Thathaich Slànaighear caomh neo-thruaillidh.
Is tre làithean àigh a leanabachd
Thug e urram agus spèis,
Umhlachd gràidh do’n mhaighdinn ainnir
Dh’àltraim E na uile fheum;
Sin mar dh’fheumas òigridh Chrìosda
Spèis is urram thoirt do dh’Iosa.
Chan ann a-nis san stàball shuarach
Leis na h-ainmhidhean mun cuairt,
Ach ‘s na Nèamhan air a chàradh
Aig deas-làimh na Naomhachd shuas;
Is mu thimcheall air an crùnadh,
A’ chlann bheag a thug Dhà ùmhlachd.
Translation: 1. In the royal city of David, in a stable lowly and pitiful, a gentle mother laid her sleeping baby; Mary was the gentle mother, Jesus Christ her beloved baby.
2. He came down from Heaven to earth, though He was king of all; it was the stable that gave Him shelter, it was the manger that made His cradle; with the poor and the lowly, the pure gentle Saviour came to live.
3. And through the joyful days of His childhood He gave honour and obedience, respectful love to the virgin maiden who cared for His every need; that is how the children of Christ must give honour and obedience to Jesus.
4. He is not now in the lowly stable with the animals all around, but set up in heaven at the right hand of the Godhead above; and around Him, crowned in glory, the little children who gave Him honour.
Taing do George Seto air geocities:
Èistibh ris an seo – listen to the Gaelic version here:
Once in royal David’s city
Stood a lowly cattle shed,
Where a mother laid her Baby
In a manger for His bed:
Mary was that mother mild,
Jesus Christ her little Child.
He came down to earth from heaven,
Who is God and Lord of all,
And His shelter was a stable,
And His cradle was a stall;
With the poor, and mean, and lowly,
Lived on earth our Saviour holy.
And through all His wondrous childhood
He would honour and obey,
Love and watch the lowly maiden,
In whose gentle arms He lay:
Christian children all must be
Mild, obedient, good as He.
Not in that poor lowly stable,
With the oxen standing by,
We shall see Him; but in heaven,
Set at God’s right hand on high;
Where like stars His children crowned
All in white shall wait around.