Seo blasad beag den album ùr aig The Shee, còmhlan-ciùil boireann gu math sònraichte. Tha dualchasan eadar-dhealaichte aig gach caileag, innealan-ciùil diofraichte, sgilean eadar-dhealaichte, ach tha an aon dìoghras aca airson an stuth tradiseanta ath-bheothachadh agus rudan ùra a chur ris. Agus tha ar caileag à Machair Rois, Olivia Ross chòir, nam measg cuideachd. Co-roinn!
This is a wee taster for The Shee’s new album. The Shee is a very special band – all girls, different traditions, different instruments, different skills, but the same passion for invigorating the old and complementing it with the new. And our own Seaboard girl Olivia Ross is one of them. Share!