Nach tèid sibh ann gus taic a thoirt dha leis a’ phròiseact aige? A bheil e cracte no gaisgeil, ‘s dòcha an dà chuid, ‘s e buidheann carthannais uabhasach cudromach a th’ ann an SAMH.
Turn out and support him with his fundraiding solo Atlantic row for SAMH (Scottish Association for Mental Health)! Mad or heroic or both, who knows, but it’s a very worthy cause!
Some dates for your diaries:
NY2SY on Tour
Sat 8th Oct – STORNOWAY (Perceval Square)
Mon 10th Oct – INVERNESS (Falcon Square)
Tues 11th Oct – ABERDEEN (St.Nicholas St)
Wed 12th Oct – PERTH (The Plaza, beside Perth Concert Hall)
Thurs 13th Oct – EDINBURGH (Castle St pedestrian area, just off Princes St.)
Fri 14th Oct – GLASGOW (Buchanan St., by Donald Dewar statue)
I will be present from 10am – 6pm, please come along and see the boat 🙂
Hope to see you somewhere, sometime!
Niall Iain Macdonald