Obair sgoinneil le Pòl Caomhánach  / Brilliant piece of work by Paul Kavanagh


….bha dhìth orm ach clàr-dùthcha Gàidhlig de loidhnichean-rèile na h-Alba air fad, a’ sealltainn a h-uile stèisean san dùthaich.

Dh’ionnsaich mi le iongantas nach eil a leithid a’ mhapa ri fhaighinn sa Bheurla fhèin, gun luaidh air a’ Ghàidhlig no a’ Ghalldais. Gheibhear mapaichean prìomh-loidhneach, mapaichean sgìre-loidhneach agus mapaichean fo-bhailteach, ach chan fhaighear aon mhapa singilte sgeamàtach a sheallas a h-uile loidhne-rèile agus stèisein san dùthaich.

Mar sin chuir mi romham fear a chruthachadh agus a dh’fhoillseachadh saor is an asgaidh an seo air Newsnet. Ghabh mi mapa-rèile barraichte Srath Chluaidh, e-fhèin stèite air fear clasaigeach lìonra Fo-thalamh Lunnainn, agus leudaich mi e a-chum Alba gu lèir a chòmhdachadh. B’fheudar dhomh na slighean-rèile a chìthear a mhìneachadh ann an dòigh nas sìmplidh gu ìre, ach tha loidhnichean-rèile luchd-siubhail uile agus stèiseanan-trèana uile rim faicinn air a’ mhapa ùr seo. Rinn mi am mapa sa Bheurla, sa Ghàidhlig agus sa Bheurla Ghallda. ……  


…..A wis wantin a Gaelic cairte o aa o Scotland’s railwey lines, shawin aa the stations in the kintra.

Bit ti ma surprise A funn oot at sic a cairte isnae available in Inglish, nivver mind Gaelic or Scots. Ther cairtes o mainline routes, cairtes o regional routes an commuter routes, bit ther nae single schematic cairte at shaws aa the railwey lines an stations in the kintra.

Sae A pit ma mynd ti makin a cairte an tae pit it here on Newsnet whaur it’s free fur oniebuddie tae yuise. A tuik the braw railwey cairte o Strathclyde, itsel based on the classic 1931 design fur depictin the Lunnin Unnergroond netwark, an eikit ti it sae it kivvers the hale o Scotland. A haed tae mak the inter-city routes a tait mair semple, bit aa Scots passenger railwey lines an train stations is shawn on this new cairte. A’v duin the cairte in Inglish, Gaelic an Scots…..


…..I wanted a Gaelic map of all of Scotland’s railway lines, showing all the stations in the country.

To my surprise I discovered that such a map isn’t available in English, never mind Gaelic or Scots. There are maps of mainline routes, maps of regional routes and commuter routes, but no single schematic map that shows all the railway lines and stations in the country.

So I decided to create one and to make it freely available here on Newsnet. I took the excellent railway map of Strathclyde, itself based upon the classic 1931 design for depicting the London Underground network, and extended it to cover the whole of Scotland. I had to simplify the routes shown somewhat, but all Scottish passenger railway lines and train stations are shown on this new map. I’ve done the map in English, Gaelic and Scots…..