Tha an iris-chiùil shaor air loidhne InvernessGigs a’ lorg taic gus seirbheis nas fheàrr a lìbhrigeadh. Bidh iad a’ foillseachadh fiosrachadh mu thachartasan sa Ghàidhealtachd, gu h-àraidh mu chuirmean-ciùl de (cha mhòr) gach seòrsa. Thoiribh sùil air an làrach-lìn aca – ‘s fhiach e!

‘S urrainn dhuibh an cuideachadh tron shiostam Sponsume (“crowdfunding”).  Gheibh sibh sreath dhuaisean airson nan tabhartasan agaibh, air cho beag ‘s a tha iad.

The free online music magazine InvernessGigs is looking for support to help it deliver a better service. They publish information about events in the Highlands, especially concerts of (almost) every kind. Have a look at their website – it’s worth it!

You can help them through the Sponsume system (“crowdfunding”). You get a series of rewards for your donations, however small they are.