Brot samhraidh furasta

Grìtheidean  (do 6 -8)

creamh-gàrraidh meadhanach
piobar-cluig uaine
piobar-cluig buidhe
curran meadhanach
courgette bheag
làn laimhe pònair Fhrangach no ruith, no
peasraichean mange-tout no sugar-snap
buntàta meadhanach, amh no deasaichte
2 chanastair tomàto Eadailteach, geàrrte le buille
sùgh-glasraich no sùgh-circe (3 canastair-tòmato falamh)
piobar dubh garbh-bhleithte (cha cleachd mise salann – tha salann gu leòr ann an sùghan-glasraich no circe malairteach)
geagan beaga lusan, geàrrte, mar phairseil, lus an rìgh, ròs-Màiri, lus-marsalaidh, no lusan de Provence tioram.

 Geàrr an creamh-gàrraidh – pàirt geal na shliseagan agus pàirt uaine na phìosan beaga – agus bruich air an socair e ann am beagan ola ann am pana mòr trom, air teas meadhanach. Ma bhios tu a’ cleachdadh ròs-Màiri às a’ ghàrradh,  cur e ris a-nis, gum am bi e a’ fàs nas buige. Geàrr na piobaran-cluig agus an curran nam pìosan beaga agus cuir iadsan anns a’ phana cuideachd. Caraich a h-uile rud bho àm gu àm gus nach bi an creamh-gàrraidh a’ fàs donn. Anns an eadar-àm faodaidh tu na glasraich eile a ghearradh agus glèidh iad an darna taobh.

An uairsin cuir an dà chanastair thomàtothan ris a’ phana agus measg iad fon ghlasraich. Ma bhios iad rud beag uisgidh, cuir spàin mhath puree tomàto riutha. Piobraich am measgachadh gu math leis a’ phiobair gharbh-bhleithte dhubh agus cuir na lusan ris.  Glèidh beagan pairseil gus am brot a sgeadachadh. A-nis cuir an sùgh ann (cleachdaidh mise 3 canaistair-tomàto falamh làn sùigh; cha toil leamsa rudan a thomhas – tha mi ro mhì-fhoighidneach!) agus caraich gu math a-rithist e.

Feumaidh tu a’ ghlasraich air fhàgail a chur ris a-nis – sin a’ chuid dhan am bu chòir bruich gu sàmhach air teas ìosal anns a’  bhrot:  buntàta, courgettes, pònair no peasraichean garbh-ghearrte, no glasraich cha mhòr sam bith eile a tha agad san taigh, gu h-àraidh ma bhios iad dathte.

Leig leis a’ bhrot a bhith a’ bruich air teas ìosal le mullach rud beag fosgailte fad 20 -30 mhionaidean gus am fàs e nas tighe agus gus am bi na blasan a’ measgachadh ri chèile. Feumaidh am buntàta a bhith deiseil agus a’ ghlasraich eile rud beag al dente.

Cuir dha na bhobhlaichean e le pìosan pairseill mar dheasachadh agus ith le aran-sòda e.

Bon appetit!


Easy Summer Soup

Ingredients (for 6 -8)

medium leek
green pepper
yellow pepper
medium carrot
small courgette
handful of French beans or runner beans, or
mange-tout or sugar-snap peas
medium potato, raw or cooked
2 tins of Italian tomatoes, chopped
vegetable or chicken stock (3 empty tomato-tins full)
roughly-ground black pepper
(I don’t use salt as shop-bought stock is salty enough)
a few sprigs of herbs, chopped, e.g. parley, basil, rosemary, marjoram, or dried Herbes de Provence


Cut the white part of the leek in slices and chop the green part and fry it gently in a little oil in a large thick-bottomed pan on a medium heat. If you are using fresh rosemary, add it now to soften it. Chop up the peppers and the carrot and put them in too. Stir from time to time so that the leeks don’t get brown. Meanwhile keep chopping the rest of the vegetables and put them aside.

Then add the 2 tins of chopped tomatoes to the pan (if they are a bit watery, add a good dollop of tomato puree) and stir into the veg. Pepper the mixture well with the roughly-ground black pepper and add the herbs. Keep a little parsley aside as garnish. Now add the stock (I just use 3 empty tomato-canfuls; I dont like measuring things – I’m too impatient!) and stir it well again.

Now you put in the remaining veg – these are the ones that have to cook gently in the stock: potato, courgette, beans or peas, or indeed almost any other vegetables you have around, preferably colourful. Let the soup cook partially covered on a low heat for 20-30 minutes, so that it thickens and the flavours combine. The potato has to be cooked and the other veg a bit al dente.

Put into bowls with parsley as garnish, and eat with soda bread.

Bon appetit!